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作者: admin 发布时间: 2018-03-29 15:36 点击数:
联系方式:ligezi@henau.edu.cn; gezi888@126.com
2022.10–至今     公司/十大信誉游戏平台/国家小麦工程技术研究中心,校聘教授
2021.01–至今     公司/十大信誉游戏平台/国家小麦工程技术研究中心,副研究员
2018.11–2020.12   公司/十大信誉游戏平台/国家小麦工程技术研究中心,校聘副教授
2017.01–2018.10   公司/十大信誉游戏平台/国家小麦工程技术研究中心,助理研究员
2013.09–2016.12   浙江大学,生命科学学院,博士;
2010.09–2013.06   公司,十大信誉游戏平台/国家小麦工程技术研究中心,硕士;
2005.09–2010.06   河南科技学院,生命科学学院,本科
1. 主持国家自然科学基金-面上项目:转录因子ERFL1a在小麦干旱胁迫响应中的分子机制研究(32071939),58万,2021.01–2024.12,在研;
2. 主持国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目:调控TaGST1基因表达的转录因子的分离及其功能研究(31701345),25万,2018.01–2020.12,结项;
3. 主持河南省自然科学基金-优秀青年基金项目:小麦钾胁迫耐性作用机制研究(212300410045),25万,2021.01–2023.12,在研;
4. 主持国家重点研发计划-子课题钾高效促进小麦强筋品质生理与分子机制分析(2021YFF1000022-08),90万,2021.12–2026.11,在研;
5. 主持河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划:小麦营养逆境研究(23HASTIT038),30万,2023.01–2025.12,在研;
6. 主持河南省重点研发与推广专项-科技攻关项目:利用基因组编辑技术创制优质高产小麦种质新资源(182102110102),10万,2018.01–2019.12,结项;
7. 主持河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划:干旱胁迫下小麦ERFL1a调控因子的筛选及其作用机制辨析(21A210013),3万,2021.01–2022.12,在研;
8. 主持公司青年英才项目:沉默TaRSR1转录因子创制优异小麦种质资源,50万,2018.11–2023.10,在研;
9. 主持公司青年拔尖人才项目:小麦钾资源高效利用的作用机制,100万,2022.10–2026.09,在研。
1. Li Ge-Zi, Liu Jin, Chen Shi-Juan, Wang Peng-Fei, Liu Hai-Tao, Dong Jie, Zheng Yong-Xing, Xie Ying-Xin, Wang Chen-Yang, Guo Tian-Cai, Kang Guo-Zhang*(2021) Melatonin promotes potassium deficiency tolerance by regulating HAK1 transporter and its upstream transcription factor NAC71 in wheat. J Pineal Res. 70(4):e12727 (SCI, IF: 13.007)
2. Li Ge Zi, Wang Zhan Qi, Yokosho Kengo, Ding Bing , Fan Wei, Gong Qiao Qiao, Li Gui Xin, Wu Yun Rong, Yang Jian Li, Ma Jian Feng, Zheng Shao Jian*(2018) Transcription factor WRKY22 promotes aluminum tolerance via activation of OsFRDL4 expression and enhancement of citrate secretion in rice (Oryza sativa L.) New Phytologist 219: 149–162 (SCI, IF: 7.433)
3. Li Ge-Zi, Wang Ying-Ying, Liu Jin, Liu Hai-Tao, Liu Huai-Pan, Kang Guo-Zhang* (2022) Exogenous melatonin mitigates cadmium toxicity through ascorbic acid and glutathione pathway in wheat. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 237:113533. (SCI, IF: 7.129)
4. Li Ge-Zi, Zheng Yong-Xing, Chen Shi-Juan, Liu Jin, Wang Peng-Fei, Wang Yong-Hua, Guo Tian-Cai, Kang Guo-Zhang* (2021) TaWRKY74 participates copper tolerance through regulation of TaGST1 expression and GSH content in wheat. Ecotox Environ Safe 221, 112469 (SCI, IF: 7.129)
5. Li Gezi, Wu Yufang, Liu Guoyu, Xiao Xianghong, Wang Pengfei, Gao Tian, Xu Mengjun, Han Qiaoxia, Wang Yonghua, Guo Tiancai, Kang Guozhang*(2017) Large-scale proteomics combined with transgenic experiments demonstrates an important role of jasmonic acid in potassium deficiency response in wheat and rice. Mol Cell Proteomics 16:1889–1905 (SCI, IF: 6.542)
6. Li Ge-Zi, Zheng Yong-Xing, Liu Hai-Tao, Kang Guo-Zhang*(2022) WRKY74 regulates cadmium tolerance through glutathione-dependent pathway in wheat. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 29(45):68191-68201 (SCI, IF: 5.190)
7. Li Gezi, Peng Xiaoqi, Xuan Hongmei, Wei Liting, Yang Yingying, Guo Tiancai, Kang Guozhang* (2013) Proteomic analysis of leaves and roots of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under copper-stress conditions. J Proteome Res 12, 4846–4861 (SCI, IF: 5.113)
8. Li Ge-Zi, Li Han-Xiao, Xu Meng-Jun, Wang Peng-Fei, Xiao Xiang-Hong, Kang Guo-Zhang*(2020) Functional characterization and regulatory mechanism of wheat CPK34 kinase in response to drought stress. BMC Genomics 21(1), 77 (SCI, IF: 3.594)
9. Li Ge-Zi, Chen Shi-Juan, Li Na-Ying, Wang Ying-Ying, Kang Guo-Zhang* (2021) Exogenous glutathione alleviates cadmium toxicity in wheat by influencing the absorption and translocation of cadmium. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 107, 320–326 (SCI, IF: 2.807)
10. Li Gezi, Peng Xiaoqi, Wei Liting, Kang Guozhang* (2013) Salicylic acid increases the contents of glutathione and ascorbate and temporally regulates the related gene expression in salt-stressed wheat seedlings. Gene 529, 321–325 (SCI, IF: 2.196)
11. Dong Jie, Zheng Yongxing, Fu Yihan, Wang Jinxi, Yuan Shasha, Wang Yonghua, Zhu Qidi, Ou Xingqi, Li Gezi*, Guozhang Kang*(2019) PDIL1-2 can indirectly and negatively regulate expression of the AGPL1 gene in bread wheat. Biological Research, 52(56): 56. (SCI, IF: 3.092) (第一通讯作者)
12. Kang Guozhang#*, Li Gezi#, Wang Lina, Wei Liting, Yang Yang, Wang Pengfei, Yang Yingying, Wang Yonghua, Feng Wei, Wang Chenyang, Guo Tiancai* (2015) Hg-responsive proteins identified in wheat seedlings using iTRAQ analysis and the role of ABA in Hg stress. J Proteome Res 14, 249–267 (SCI, IF: 5.001) (共同第一)
13. Gao Tian#Li Ge-Zi#, Chuan-Ren Wang, Jie Dong, Sha-Sha Yuan, Yong-Hua Wang, Guo-Zhang Kang*(2018) Function of the ERFL1a transcription factor in wheat responses to water deficiency. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,19(5):1465 (SCI, IF: 3.878) (共同第一)
14. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Xu Wei, Peng Xiaoqi, Han Qiaoxia, Zhu Yunji, Guo Tiancai* (2012) Proteomics reveals the effects of salicylic acid on growth and tolerance to subsequent drought stress in wheat. J Proteome Res 11, 6066–6079 (SCI, IF: 5.056)(导师第一作者)
15. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Ma Hongzhen, Wang Chenyang, Guo Tiancai (2013) Proteomic analysis on the leaves of TaBTF3 gene virus-induced silenced wheat plants may reveal its regulatory mechanism. J Proteomics 83, 130–143 (SCI, IF: 4.088)(导师第一作者)
16. Wang Zhan Qi, Li Ge Zi, Gong Qiao Qiao, Li Gui Xin, Zheng Shao Jian (2015) OsTCTP, encoding a translationally controlled tumor protein, plays an important role in mercury tolerance in rice. BMC Plant Biol 15: 123 (SCI,IF: 3.813)
17. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Zheng Beibei, Han Qiaoxia, Wang Chenyang, Zhu Yunji, Guo Tiancai* (2012) Proteomic analysis on salicylic acid-induced salt tolerance in common wheat seedlings. BBA-Proteins Proteom 1824, 1324–1333 (SCI, IF: 3.635)(导师第一作者)
18. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Liu Guoqi, Xu Wei, Peng Xiaoqi, Wang Chenyang, Zhu Yunji, Guo Tiancai (2013) Exogenous salicylic acid enhances wheat drought tolerance by influence on the expression of genes related to ascorbate-glutathione cycle. Biol Plant 57, 718–724 (SCI, IF: 1.692)(导师第一作者)
19. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Guo Tiancai (2014) Molecular mechanism of salicylic acid-induced abiotic tolerance in higher plants. Acta Physiol Plant 36, 2287–2297 (SCI, IF: 1.524)(导师第一作者)
20. Kang Guozhang*, Li Gezi, Yang Wenping, Han Qiaoxia, Ma Hongzhen, Guo Tiancai (2013) Transcriptional profile of the spring freeze response in the leaves of bread wheat. Acta Physiol Plant 35, 575–587 (SCI, IF: 1.305)(导师第一作者)
1. 发明专利:过表达TaHAK1在提高水稻钾胁迫耐性中的应用; 第1; 2022年;
2. 发明专利:一种TaAOS基因及其编码的蛋白质应用;第2;2022年;
3. 实用新型:一种用于小麦根际微域研究的根箱试验装置;第1;2021年;
4. 实用新型:一种多品种作物抗性试验用批量培养装置;第2;2021年;
5. 实用新型:一种稳定同位素标记培养试验用作物培养装置;第2;2021年。
1. 河南省教育厅科技成果优秀科技论文奖壹等奖(李鸽子,2022,第1名);
2. 十大信誉游戏平台(中国)有限公司优秀班主任 (李鸽子,2021年);
3. 公司优秀党员(李鸽子,2020年);
4. 河南省教育厅科技成果优秀科技论文奖壹等奖(李鸽子,2019,第1名);
5. 河南省教育厅科技成果优秀科技论文奖壹等奖(李鸽子,2018,第1名);
6. 河南省教育厅科技成果优秀科技论文奖壹等奖(李鸽子,2017,第2名);
7. 河南省自然科学优秀学术论文贰等奖(李鸽子,2017,第2名);
8. 公司暑假三下乡优秀指导教师(李鸽子,2018);
9. 十大信誉游戏平台(中国)有限公司优秀科研工作者(李鸽子,2018);